Idk, it was relevant title like second ago.
Because I couldn't remember what I wanted to write about earlier today (ooops! yesterday is now correct. But I'm still gonna use 'today'-form). I tried to think that hard. And my mind wanders so much and my attention span and memory is alike to my rats.
But, then I DID remember. Idk this post is like having kind of, uh 3½ different topics blend together. Because my mind links somethings together, and then they are relevant to each others., but then it jumps to another and woah that was a crappy explanations.
INTO THE REAL THINGS! (I was supposed to write and not this intro shit)
Yeah so I went to see The Amazing Spiderman with my friend this morning. It was Finland's premier. It was indeed AMAZING! And Idk, I liked Garfield as Peter. But you really can't compare McGuire to him. They are in different league.
When we got there, and went to the hall (..I mean there are different movie halls obviously) and it was one of those that are apart from the others. And there it was, on the wall huge poster of Chris Hemsworth, as The Huntsmen (Snow White). And I knew that theaters don't give them away because they go back to the distributor. (I had ask to get Holmes one when Games of Shadows were playing months ago)
So when the movie ended and my friend needed to use restrooms and I got some time, so I decided to ask from the girl who was collecting 3D glasses back that who is their distributor of their posters so I can contact them and get one. She didn't know so she asked this other guy to there, well I asked same thing from him. And he left to ask/check it from somewhere and I patiently waited.
Then he came back and was like "Well Finnkino (It's the Finland's biggest movie theater corporate chain) is" I was kind of relieved and surprised by this and then I asked that where do I have to ask for this poster? Then he was just like "Well I can take it down for you right now, we're going to chance them soon anyways. I'm just gonna go get the ladders! :)" I think that at this part my ability to speak was gone, because I was concentrating to not shake. And my eyes were more sparkly than Edward Cullen.

Well then he got ladder, took the poster down and went to get some tape so I could actually get it home.
And my friend gave me this "Oh my fucking god Cakey, are you serious? DID THEY REALLY GAVE IT TO YOU 8D" kind of mixed feelings look. While I couldn't stop smiling. I of course thanked the dude for this trouble.
Then I started to think that FUCK I missed Avengers AND Holmes. D: ...! Well I'm going to Helsinki to two different Finnkino's to watch movies on Monday so I can see if there's still some big Avengers posters left c: .. I'd die to get Loki on my wall *Q* !!
It was really really big, here take a look. It's me behind it XD And I think I'm 'normal' height girl. Note also that it's partly lying on the floor.
There was funny thing that happened to me while I was carrying this babe home. I was just got out of the train and walked to the bus stop. And this was rolled up, the back showing (it's white). And then this older male started to talk next to me, about curtains and blinds. First of course I thought he was talking to me, but then I quickly thought that 'nahh' he's probably on the phone. So I didn't pay attention on what he explained. Then when he finished he looked me. And I was a little bit confused and went "T-these aren't curtains" and he looks me "Well, what is it then?" "It's poster" then said something. I don't what and walked farther. He got onto same bus, but didn't talk to me. It was weird experience. It's odd if someone random talks to you in Finland.
So yeah now I'm like trying to still find Avengers poster somewhere, if not. Well next year is full of superhero movies ;)
This wasn't my first thing I got from movie theaters. I have cardboard cut Sherlock & Watson on my wall. From the first movies.I finally like last month got them back on my wall. It's been quite long from last time.
And now smoothly moving to my room~>
So yeah now comes the 'Wonderful room of Cakey' I just haven't done this yet, and it should get it's own post but maybe I'll do muuuuch more deeper post some day (will do, I'm certain). But here is my current room and it's wall ALL updates! +2 old photos, when I just had painted the walls :3 I'm not gonna go any deeper than that. so, PIC TIME!
My closet's door needed a little touch. |
And I wanted to have owl painted somewhere |
I finally painted these! Lowest still needs color |
Quite random inspiration. Maybe adding more later |
What I see when I'm on my laptop. |
This is now covered w/ Chris. |
My fave paintings ♥ Still WIP. |
*Phew there* .... ... While I was struggling with how to fit all those son of bitching motherfucker ass pics. I forgot what were the other thoughts I wanted to share. Hmmpf well I guess it wasn't important. Also here's last pic that I didn't want to put with those.
It's THE MOST accurate pic taken of me :'D Also see my lovely bed & stuffed toys that I have in here while I'm on computer XD Seriously if I'd had mini fridge next to my bed I'd have like everything SO close :'D
Now I'm off to sleep, G'nite peeps ♥ Cakey