Then I found out that Heidi (or do you prefer Datironass?) had given me already new movie, but I just didn't had receive the message. So I have her movie to review.
And now today Chan gave me two more 8) So you guys are getting three reviews today.
Also I'd like to warn at this point that I do not guarantee that my posts are spoiler free. :|
So To the movies!
I fell in love with X-men when I first saw it. I saw X2 first. And it was really the first Marvel movie that I enjoyed and I've been always really exited when new X-men movie is released.
So yes I was also really exited about this one. I for some totally unknown reason didn't see this in theater.
And to be honest, I think this one is the worst so far. I'm not saying it's bad, no not at all! It's just in my opinion worst of the X-men so far.
It's timeline doesn't fit, I mean if you try to connect all the movies, X1-3 and Wolverine with this, they don't match. At least in my head and it's making me annoyed. I mean it was awesome that they threw him there, but still.
And! Emma Frost was supposed to be one of Charles first students, according to the comics if I can remember correctly. So yes I've been quite snobish with this movie.
But if I need to say something positive about this.
It would be definitely the fact that they tell background of Charles and Eric (Magneto) and their beginning. Also I personally like James McAvoy. And I liked how they brought some of the minor characters along, like Azazel. And also few of the bigger and important (at least in comics) characters to the movie.
The movie gives nice view of things in different angle thinking of the "Future" movies, and by this I mean like X1-3 where Xavier and Magneto are enemies. I really don't think Magneto is really like evil villain, he's just misunderstood (Like Loki.. .... no I just did not brought Avengers to this) and he thinks his cause is good and righteous, and he wants to change the world. Unfortunately it's not that after all.
Ummmhh. Well I'll give this 3/5 Stars.
Also if you haven't seen the previous X-men movies, it's okay, not necessary. that gives plus!

Even thought I was really disappointed on second time. I remembered it was MUCH more scarier, but it was kind of like... ... really lame.
Or maybe I've just grown and seen way too much craptastic horror movies. But I enjoyed refreshing my memory.
For example I payed attention to different things, like I didn't remember Sean Bean was there! And the fucking annoying town leader bitch was in Ten Inch Hero. And of course my lovely Pyramid Head.
But the end, like ... What the fuck man!? Why did that happen? Like did they become ghosts or like were they on different sort of dimension?
Well I haven't play the game(s), so maybe it was explained there. Also I hate to say that usually when game is turned onto movie it sucks. Usually, not always :'D
But this one, I think it's okay. I really can't say more since I don't know what happens in the game so should there be sequel ors.
I still remember how I found Silent Hill. I uh.. I had my first girl crush and she was a fan of it, especially for Pyramid Head (Also the nurses are cool!) and of course I wanted to know like what was it so I just watched the movie.
And also back in the days when I used to cosplay and attend to conventions there ALWAYS were Silent Hill cosplayers. I have seen quite awesome nurses and Pyramid Heads :3
I think this movie should remake, or get sequel since I hate how it ended. So different (or more!) view maybe?
Oh and uh, I really don't think this is a HORROR horror movie, u know. I think it's more like gore, well not exactly that either. Like mixture of them. and shitloads with weird! XD
3/5 Stars.
I have to confess that I'm so uneducated that this was my first Freddie movie ever seen.
I love the idea, it's really creepy and it makes the movie kind of surrealistic and you can't be sure if the person is awake or not!
There was again few actors that I knew from somewhere.
So yes, there was Ruby v.1 (Supernatural) as one of the actresses, it was so hard not to think her as non-ruby! XD And see her in different kind of role. Katie Cassidy was lovely indeed!
And Kellan's character was named Dean, it was really hard not to burst into laughter at that point. and it was in the start.
Also I'm not sure of what's the origin story of Freddy, so the story in here was quite uh. idek, well! It got me hooked, like the movie kept me in it's grasp the whole time. And like even that you kind of knew what was going to happen you still partly surprised.
I just hate you know like that kind of movie villains that just purely don't die, like ever. And they keep on coming back again and again. And I think that Freddy is one of them. But, in his defense he really aren't real, like he exists only in dreams. So does that really count?
I have quite good feeling that this is the best Freddy movie till now. Mostly because the special effects, or like I really just hate poorly made special effects, so that's my only argument.
I think I really don't have anything else really to say.
3½/5 ... Because it wasn't just shit & good actors.
So that's it for Today's Movie Monday!
Comment here (that's how I'll get them 100%!) for what you want to be reviewed next week!
Heidi is fine by meh. :3
ReplyDeleteI am going to go that far, just 'cause I feel like it, and say anything and everything Avengers. That's, wait a minute... 6 MOVIES. EHEHEHEHEEHE ~
Of course you don't have to do them all at once XDDD
Srsly, that coffee wasn't a good idea. I've lost the ability to fucntion properly. ... Why am I writing non sense. Don't know. Ehm, I think I'll just go, and get my head straight...
you can call me Ida(I think I already said it on tumblr but.. yeah) :) And hi, I am trying to create a blog currently xD lol