I don't remember if I've ever talk about sports or dieting in here.
Or anything related to getting my lazy ass self into fit shape. Probably not?
(I'm just gonna drop all these pics around here)
Well I've finally started to do something about it. It's been a long time since last time.
I think I mentioned that I've been wanting a punching bag for years now, and I finally got it, but I was too sick to start training. Now that I'm healthy enough I finally started today (root for me that I'll be actually going to continue!).
The only sport that I have done before this (somewhat regular) is Snowboarding. But obviously you can only do that at winters. And in last few years I haven't snowboard at all.
I finally was smart enough to realize that because I've snowboard/skied since I was five. It's the reason why my legs are the only body part that are muscular. Well my tights are covered with laziness, but otherwise there's nothing else than muscle in my legs.
Of course also normal exercise, like walking instead of using bus/car have been part of the reason. But I have never really been into sports, at all. Actually it's reverse, I hate sports truly from my heart. I don't even watch sport, it's annoying and looks exhausting.
I've been interested in riding and motocross. But I never ended up doing either of them, partly because they are expensive hobbies.

Boxing is (along snowboarding) the one that I've been interested in for a long time and really wanted to do it. Boxing, because I need to punch someone and I need to let feelings out. And I do it by beating someone, so instead of bruising my little sister, I was told (~5 yrs ago) that I'll get a punching bag. And now finally I have it. I just feel stupid hitting a sack instead of a real person, it doesn't really get your adrenaline up. And the sack doesn't respond to that and hit you back, which also raises adrenaline. But I really don't have a choice here.
My main reason is still, so cliché, I want to build my body to look good. Especially my arms! I like muscular arms, I just adore them. And I'd kill to have nicely muscular arms. And boxing trains power and arm muscles. So it's pretty much a dream sport for me. Technically. Of course I also wouldn't mind if I could get my stomach flattened and build my general shape better.
Indeed, the problem is just that I might (a huge big might) have asthma. And/Or something's wrong with my body, like my blood circulation and air supplying stuff kind of wrong.

Then the other problem is that I can't get breath correctly. Yes I do breathe, and No I'm not pacing it wrong. And it goes to my lungs, I feel it. But it doesn't go to my head, which makes me dizzy and I have to keep tiny pauses to get a steady feeling in my head.
I've argued about this so many times. I know my health isn't suberb, but my problems aren't based on that. I keep on going even if I feel that my muscles wan to give up and I push harder. But when you can't breath, it's different. I also do make sure that I have eaten before training, so it's not my blood sugars fault, that it would suddenly drop.
So yeah, I have something in my system that needs to be fixed. I get out of breath way too easily.
I feel like I'm bouncing on different areas and not really getting onto my point. To be honest, I'm not even sure what IS my point :'D ...
Well of course I'm not gonna get in shape just by moving my lazy ass around.
It needs a good and healthy diet. At this very moment my diet is basically 'Anything that I find eatable in our fridge', but then again I'm pretty picky of what I eat.
My worst thing about eating, is that I don't eat at morning, nor during day (depends when I wake up) and I drink cup of coffee when I wake up, and another one around 3-5pm. And when do I eat?
At nights, I stay up and watch movies or be on computer and I end up snacking.
Or I might eat heavily, it highly depends what we have.
And then I go to sleep after that.
But other than that I eat pretty healthy, I rarely eat fast food like pizza, burgers etc.
And I love rye bread, so I get fibers. I also eat these mineral/vitamin pills so my hair and nails grow better and stay stronger (zinc, calcium & magnesium).
My newest love is Vitamin Waters, they have finally arrived to Finland! Unfortunately we don't have all of the flavors :(
My own faves are Multi-V (Zinc, Lemonade flavor) and Power-C (C & B-vitamins, Dragonfruit flavor).
I love them, and they don't have bubbles, it's still water. (My tummy don't like carbonic)
Usually my diets are pretty simple. Well depends which one I pick.
There's the easiest and probably healthiest one, I just leave out all the un-healthy stuff. Like candies, sodas, cakes, pizza, etc. Everything that's pretty much coated with sugar or fat. But you have to have some treats for your self. Like every week you can have good (and healthy) food, that's maybe better than your average food. Or ice cream. Or well pretty much anything you like. For me it would be probably chinese food or fruit salad. I've notice that when I start dieting, I actually make really good and awesome food. Otherwise I'm just too lazy to cook.
I have never counted calories, nor anything. I would get obsessed if I would.

Since, when your body doesn't get fats and energy from the food you eat, it starts to burn the ones you have in storage and you'll be 'working' in half of your power.
Sometimes I combine these two, but I only have few days when I don't eat. Or I have tiny fasting, maybe a week long. So I burn extra fast and then I continue my diet healthy way. I just need to be motivated.

My weak spot is chips and salty snacks. It's no biggie to say no for greasy and sweet stuff.
But after it begins to be routine you wont miss any of that. And you need to be creative so you'll make healthy snacks for your self. For me it's also to have them so that none else eats them!
And it's good that before training you get energy, proteins are best ones. Because they wont make you feel stuffed and full like carbs do, but they still get your energy up.

I'm not sure if these really work, but they're tasty and they don't give you that stuffed feeling. So I think they work like they should. But we'll see when I have used them more :)
I first thought that I'll stop eating carbs, but after doing some research I noticed that it would be stupid. And at least at this point when I'm still starting I don't need to bulk up, since I have *cough* mass where to build up. But idk when I'm at that point that I have to start bulking I'll do some more research about it.
(I just realized it's Thursday.. HAPPY THOR'S DAY!!)
So now I have set my self some sort of 'training schedule' .. And my goal is to train at least three times a week, at least 30 mins at a time.
I hope I'll be able to do it and make my current eating habits better.
(I'm gonna miss night snacking!)
But I feel confident about this! Since I really really want to look good. Thank God I'm vain person, otherwise I wouldn't have motivation.

I have probably never said in here that I don't feel like being a girl and I'd rather be a boy. And I've been thinking a sex change seriously for many years, like 10 years. I was really young when I found out that you can change your gender. And I have thought it and always think that I will do it, for years.
But for reasonable reasons, and selfish reasons I haven't done anything. This really isn't much relevant to the subject.

But I hate my upper body, boobs and chest to be correct. I've always thought that I will eventually get rid of them. Because I really wanna have trained and firm chest, but then again, I don't because I'm girl.
If I would be a guy
Yeah, I'm just super jealous XD ....
I know someone wonder at this point that, then if I feel so gross in my body, why I haven't change my gender, well simply one reason: I don't have a chance on a straight guys anymore. I just love guys too much to chance myself.

First ten minutes I tried my best, but I just felt awful. So I had to go and pick my asthma medication (It was for my bronchitis, so I can breathe at nights) and after taking that, I felt really good. It opens up my lungs or something, well makes me easier to breathe! And, yeah I felt exhausted and out of breath, but not like I usually do when I exercise.
So I think that I really need to discuss with my doctor and get diagnosed for asthma so I'll have permanent medication.
Anyways, I also noticed how big effect music has. I had my iPod on whole time, but the songs. Some of them really encouraged me more than others. So now I've been thinking that I need to do playlist that has good songs for workout.
And something happened, that has never ever happened before. I felt really exhausted, but good and relaxed after all that. My knuckles were red and sore, even though I have gloves. And I was feeling sweaty, but still energetic and good and woah!

But now I get it. You just need to find your own sport.
I felt like I could go on, but I knew that I need to stop and I'm gonna make myself some routine to it and not star with too big bite and then tomorrow I'd be in total spasm and swear that I'll never move again.
I feel that I've blabbered wayyyy too much already! Now I'm gonna shut up and idk do something :'D! But yeah, even a sport -hater might find a suitable sport for themselves, might just take a while!
Ps. Hey toss me a movie for Monday ;)
Again, I'd be nice if it would be picked out of my last seen/Rent a Movie list's!
kindly lends you a movie; Ca$h
Lul, mä oikeastaan luin koko homman 8DD
ReplyDeleteMut hmm, vähän epäilyttää tuo sun astma-analyysisi. En tiedä, ehkä se on astmaa, mutta tuskin samanlaista kun ittelläni (syntymä-astma, joka ei koskaan lähde pysyvästi pois)? Mutta mene peff-/spirometria-kokeeseen, niin eiköhän ne sulle jotkut analyysit ja diagnoosit heitä. Kysehän voi olla myös jostain rakenteellisesta viastakin.
Itekin oon alkanu vähän liikkumaan, kävelen enempi ja käyn nykyään uimassa pari kertaa viikossa. Syöminenkin on muuttunut säännölliseksi ja terveellisemmäksi, joten ehkä tästä sais viimein näitä liikakilojakin veks, kuka tietää.
Älä kuiteksaan huoli: sä oot loppujen lopuksi ihan normipainonen ja suht-hoikka/komia ihminen, joten tuskinpa sun laihduttaa tarvittis :3 Mutta pientä kunnonkohotusta tai kehonmuokkausta voi toki aina harrastaa 8DD