Avengers Assemble!!
So first of all I'm sorry I'm almost two weeks late with this |D ... Like I last time told I'm sick, I indeed had bronchitis. And tomorrow my antibiotic regimen ends. I'm not yet feeling so well, I've had now two days in a row a fucking bad headache. But I don't want to delay this post anymore! After this I'm again open for any movies to 'rate' :) ... But now, into the movies! I'll be 'rating' ALL Avengers -related movies. I kinda scratched this subject in
this post. So I'll be going trough them in the order I watched them.
Honestly I think that this is the WORST Marvel movie ever made. And this movie was one of the reasons why I had problems to start my marathon, because I really didn't want to watch it. Since it's so freaking boring and bleh! Just NO. Only good thing in it is Jennifer Connelly and Josh Lucas. I personally dislike Eric Bana, and for me I don't find 'Hulk' qualities in him.
I also dislike how they made Hulk, or his appearance. Oh well, I think that it's most closest to the comics. I haven't read any Hulk/Avengers comics, sadly. So I really don't know how loyal to the origin this movie is. But I could imagine it started like that. As a story it's okay and good. But it doesn't catch your attention. It just doesn't work.
I have watched this movie two times in my life. I really regret buying it on DVD. I hope that one day they'll re-do this with Ruffalo as Hulk. And add that 'something' in there so it'll work and is actually interesting.
I'll give this 1/5 Stars, for few good actors & for trying.
I was expecting something a like to the previous Hulk, but with Edward Norton. THANK GOD it wasn't! So yeah my expectations weren't high, quite reverse. They were more like doubting and negative. The start was indeed very weird, it began from like middle of nowhere and now instead of the 'normal' story (he works in lab, and oh my god tested and hulks out and flees and etc.) he's now searching the cure. And Betty didn't know that he Hulks out and well yeah you know the storyline~
Anyways, I liked this movie from first time. And it gave hope that there could be actually good Hulk movie. I liked the casting as well, much better than in the previous one! But still even thought I like Norton as an actor a lot, he doesn't fit as Hulk in my opinion. And Liv was really nice and pretty as Betty. Only one that annoyed me was Tim Roth (Emil Blonsky's actor), idk he just has something that annoys me. Yes, he does good job as Emil and 'super soldier', but his face just sets my 'annoyance' vibes up.
I also rrrrreally liked how they had done Hulk this time. I think he looked really sympathetic and more real in general. Also I really liked how there were references to the future movies, and from other Marvel 'universes'. And of course I enjoyed that Tony came to the bar at the very end.
Solid 3/5 (, If you haven't seen either Hulk Movies, watch ONLY this one ;) )

I think that I remember when the first one came out, and I thought that 'that movie probably sucks' ... But when first Holmes (obviously with RDJ) came out and I fell hard for Rob I ended up watching Iron Man. I remember thinking that it's just full on action with some weird robot stuff, but at least I'd have my eye candy :'D. Again Marvel proved me wrong! I'm thankful for it.
The Start didn't catch me, it was numbing my expectations. But when it got further I got genuinely interested and it wasn't what I indeed expected. And Tony Stark became one of my favorite Marvel characters. His nature, all the egoistic and sassyness and AH! Mostly I loved him, because I could relate to him so much, well much and much (when I watched this, II one & Avengers with my GF she said that I'm so Tony with all that egoism..). Also I really like Pepper and Happy. Pepper is my fave female character.
After watching this few times, it unfortunately gets but boring. Well partly! I mean I'm bored of watching his time in the cave, and Obadiah's solo parts, but I love when Tony is inventing and updating his suit and Pepper moments and all that. And I like Jarvis, I want to have that kind of system in my house! I want my own Jarvis!
I also was surprised when I heard that this was directed by John Favreau, who plays Happy! I was just amazed! XD Because I'm that kind of person who don't really pay attention to director :'D
Well, indeed I'll give it 3½/5 Stars.
I have to admit that this is one of those sequels that are better than first part. At least in my opinion. I like the villain more, I liked the story more, I liked how they got more onto Tony's character. Pretty much everything was much better!
Except one thing. And if I wouldn't have watched these two movies in a row, I probably wouldn't have notice it. I'm ashamed, really really ashamed that I noticed YEARS later that they changed Rhodey's actor! WHY?! I mean, yeah I knew that, kind of. I noticed that the face and dude had changed, but I'm so stupid that I never realized that it was the same character. I liked Terrance better. I hate if some character gets 'replaced' with new actor with no reason, or obvious reason. So yes, I liked v.1 Rhodey better than new one (Don Cheadle).
Also I think that Mickey Rourke is convincing as Ivan Vanko. And I like that he gives actual challenge for Tony. I just wish that they would have given more depth to his character, since now it is 'just' kind of buff-genius-evil -person who wants to have his revenge on Tony. Because there's so much possibility and potential for good character. And hey, where the hell Justin Hammer just suddenly popped? Who is he? What's their past and relationship with Tony? Now he is just lame side character.
Unfortunately many new faces in Iron Man 2, don't get much of attention. They are neat and nice to look. They're convincing on what they do. But it leaves up the questions of like who are they, why are they there? Okay Natasha/Natalie/Black Widow get's explained, and so does other SHIELD -guys, which is good and necessary for regarding future movies.
I really enjoyed Scarlett's acting. She was really good pick for the role. And I enjoyed how Pepper was 'bit' jealous over her. It really hurt me when Pepper and Tony got bumps and cracks in their relationship, I really wanted to yell for Pepper that it's not entirely Tony's fault, and yell to Tony that he should tell to Pepper and tell her about his feelings and ARRGH! But I'm really happy how it ended.
I was left to think about the fact that Tony creates new element. Uuuuh, yeah, right. That was like a bit over, in my mind. Okay he does it cool way and it gives hope for the bad daddy issues. But still... In my opinion it was too unrealistic.
And I have to say that I love how they ended it in waiting for Thor~♥
4/5 Stars.

I remember when this came to theaters. I was supposed to go and see it, just because it's new movie from
Marvel. But I never did, I kind of forgot it ors...
And I asked my friend whom had seen it in theater, that if it was worth it and was it even good. And she told me that it was 'okay' and she filled me with synopsis. Cap didn't catch my attention, seemed quite boring movie.
Then one day I have probably found it cheaply on somewhere and bought it. And I still vividly remember when I first time watched this movie. My opinion was:
"This is the second crappiest movie from Marvel. Only Marvel -movie that's more boring and more shit is Hulk!" And I kind of regretted buying it.
The movie is placed on 'era' that I don't find so appealing and it just didn't hit me. Well yeah there was the nice moment's when Chris got buffed up and was in tight (or none at all) clothes. His body is indeed marvelous.
I just left this movie to rot in my self. It mocked me from there. One day when my GF came over and since she hasn't seem like anything and then I 'force' her to watch movies. I decided that "hey, we'll watch Captain America. So you'll see how bad it is!".. And so we did.
Well it wasn't THAT bad that I remembered. And bby Steve was hilarious to watch. And young Howard Stark was nice. (And at that point I had seen Thor) And I got the Tesseract thingie and I knew new trivia about the movie, so it was nice to notice them in there.
And well I still won't say that Cap is my faves, nuh-uh. But it's not that bad.
I have noticed that the more I have watched it, the more I grow to like Steve and Cap. But nah, I really don't find Cap as "Superhero" type of person.
I feel actually sorry for Steve. He's kind of lost puppy. And I think that Cap -hair doesn't suit Chris that well. I prefer different kind of looks for him. But I wouldn't change anything in Cap nor in Chris for this role.
Also I like how they've done the Cap's outfit. And how they have used different looks for it. And I think that the last suit looks the best. It's bit dark and rough looking.
I just don't get the "semi"-ending when Cap 'has to put the plane on water' ,why couldn't he land? Okay, I'm not sure, since it wasn't explained. But okay, if the Tesseract was the power source of the full plane, then yeah I get that all control is pretty much lost when it dropped to sea. But since nothing is really explained, I can't know. And Steve kept saying "There's no time" so did it mean that the bombs would explode when he lands? I think that it was the only major flaw, well not maybe flaw, but i wanted more explanations! Otherwise I got almost everything that was meaningful for the story. And of course I get that Steve was 'must' get to froze & found years later, but idk... It annoys me when things aren't explained well.
Uh... I'll give it 2½/5 Stars :)

I really don't remember was I supposed to go and see this in theaters. Probably not, because my first opinion was "
Oh my God, LoL 'Thor' are you guys serious...." kind of
mocking approach. Apparently all
Marvel movies that I have somehow mocked or thought that they are totally
un-interesting have become my
Marvel favorites. Now I later regret that I didn't go to see this in 3D to theaters.
Indeed, I found this one on sale and bought it. Just because I should probably own it coz it's from Marvel.
And I liked it from the very beginning. I liked it.
Now I love it. I love it so so much! Now because I've grown to love this movie so much it competes from my love with Iron Man and my eternal dilemma do I like Thor or Tony (Or Loki) more XD!
Well. I hate that they have cut out some REALLY important scenes, that would really need to be there, since they affect the whole attitude to the movie and especially towards Loki!
And even shittyer is that the scene that should be in the movie is of course in deleted scenes -extras. But ONLY on Blu-Ray, in DVD deleted scenes it's not there, No fair (for those who don't have BR)!
Because Loki is not really evil, he is just really misunderstood! I mean the scene they left out was when Odin falls to Odin sleep and Thor is banned in Earth. And Frigga makes Loki king! Loki didn't want to be king! And when he's fighting with Thor on the bifrost, he yells to Thor "I never wanted the throne, I just wanted to be your equal", Loki truly loves his brother and Thor loves him back. But Loki is trying to get Odin to love him and approve him, and be enough and show that he could be equal to Thor.
Yes, Loki does it bit wrong way. But his intentions are actually good in my opinion. Well he just wanted to belong there.
And in the scene where Frigga makes Loki king she says to him "Asgard is now yours, make your father proud" if I remember correctly! So she lays this pressure on Loki to be 'Good King in his fathers eyes'.
And I really hate to read Loki hate that he wanted to take over Asgard, because that how it really looks without that scene! And it seems that Loki wants to kill Thor and hates him, but no Loki truly adores his big brother and looks up to him. But he wants to be equal and show that he can be trusted as well.
I'm also fucking tired to read that it's Thor's fault that Loki 'turned evil' or that !!!()"!)¤P¤!¤)P/ It just get's me mad. I'll just zip it now, otherwise I end up ranting so horribly.
This movie really gets my emotions up, because I really love Loki and Thor pretty much Equally. And ... .... .... oh my god I feel like I'm gonna start crying now, just by thinking of all the feels I get while watching it. Woah.
Well as you might see I have really a lot of feelings towards Thor, and all the characters. And thanks to Thor, it brought Chris Hemsworth to my life. And Tom Hiddleston. I adore them both.

I've also read some people complaining about that this movie isn't like the
mythology. Well uh
news flash! It's based on
comic, that is based on
mythology. And some have complained about that
Hemsworth isn't fitting for
Thor, that he's just
brainless bunch of muscles. Well in Thor's defense, I think that he is just not from this planet. He might not get all human things right and I think that
Hemsworth is
perfect pick for Thor, he has
great deep voice and he looks like
giant teddy bear, but he also looks like he could punch anyone to the ground in seconds if needed. And in the comics it's not exactly like in the mythology, it's not
BASED on it.
*Sigh* ....
I'm just very defensive towards my babies. But I do admit the few flaws and other not so awesome stuff.
I think I should shut up about Thor now.. ....
4½/5 Stars (because it don't have that scene in the movie!)
I don't know where to start. I've been staring this a while now. I really don't know where to start. My brain feels numb after that Thor -rant.
Well I waited this movie like a moon to rise! But I couldn't attend at the premier. I was really devastated when I realized it. I was in Rome at Supernatural convention when it came out in Finland (27th April). And I have quite a big OCD about that. I.must.get.to.premier. I just must, otherwise I rebel and wont go to see the movie, if it's something I've waited. Well of course I went to see the movie when I got back to Finland.

And so far this movie is my "
#1 Most Watched In Theaters" I'm still not sure if I've seen it 7 or 8 times in 3D @ Theater.
I loved this movie from the beginning to the very end. I just fell in love, all my babies in one movie! OMG YES PLZ!! I'm just dazzled about this.
Yes well it had it semi-boring moments that get boring after you've seen the movie few times. And the ones that you'll love even after ten times!
I think that the only uh... 'flaw' is that the movie is predictable. Well at least the main plot and events.

I'm seriously speechless! I don't know what to write, I don't have words, I'm just numb and mesmerized and I love the movie. And my feels as written down would look like this "
scnhdvbjslvb<lshgöoghnvö!!!!" .. I really don't have anything to complain. And I really enjoyed the extras that are on my
Blu-Ray (It's ridiculous how tiny amount of extras are on dvd), I have
Steel-Box version. And there are some nice deleted scenes. Nothing really important was left out. And the movie really doesn't feel that long, it's easy to sit trough, and it captives your attention. The final battle was mmmaybe
bit long, but there was some really nice funny moments, so it wasn't just
pure action mash up, it made it much more bearable.
And I think that it was really good that all the characters got same amount of screen time (or so it felt). And nobody really steals the show, okay Hulk and Iron Man are quite scene thieves :'D !
Also the brother moments between Thor and Loki were heartbreaking, and I have wanted to squeal and scream at theater many times. And go and yell to them.
I really wish that Nat and Clint would get movie that would concentrate to them more, and I think that everyone wants to know what happened in Budapest ;) ! They are indeed quite canon couple.
Chitauri warriors were nicely made, I really liked how they looked. And I really liked the uh.. ..
Chitauri floating/flying beast thingies (o__o;;) ... I just liked them in general.
I think that the movie was really well made, no big mistakes, nor bad effect fails, nothing super unrealistic weren't there.
Even the ending was good, when Manhattan was pretty much destroyed and the news were on and there were divided opinions of Avengers. Because I would think that, that's how it would really go. Not all appreciate that center of the city is fully destroyed and then what? But they did save them after all.
And The end of course where Thor takes Loki and Tesseract back to Asgard (waiting Thor 2!! ♥) and everyone just goes separated ways.
I really don't have nothing bad to say, of course I hate that Coulson died ;;---;; ... That's so far most horrible thing Loki has ever done! And I hate that they're still arguing with Thor.
And my poor Loki bby got smashed by Hulk! Thought it was hilarious... ....
I still think that Steve/Cap is uh.. I feel bad to say 'not necessarily'.. But then again I think that he is indeed the Captain of that team, the one who puts all them together and gives orders finally. But then again, Nat or Clint aren't superheroes, they are just well trained. And Cap is Super soldier. Even though he isn't so amazing as Tony, he is the heart of the team. I think.
And I still love
Loki, I actually grew to love him
even more. And his hair is to
die for ;;--;; And his
outfit is so dashing. I like his helmet and 'main' outfit more in Avengers than in Thor. And I melted on my seat when he appeared in
So handsome... I just can't take all those feeling. And his entering to the whole movie! Awesome!
Well all the characters had nice entrances. And Thor's was one of my faves as well, but none can beat Loki's! Hmmm....
About Hulk. I really have grown to like Ruffalo the best Hulk. I mean his appearance is somehow teddy bearish, and he looks really nice and shy guy. But underneath that is something dangerous. So yeah I've grown to like Ruffalo the best. He does convincing job. Even though that was one of my main annoyances when I first heard that there's "new" Hulk. But I grew to like him, just as I've grew to like Steve.
So That's it for Avengers, 5/5 Stars!
Future Upcoming Movies
There's few movies, related to this post, that are announced and I'm just waiting more news and trying to get everything out that I can. Most of all I think I'm just waiting to get ANYTHING! XD
Here's tiny list of what's (possibly) coming;
Nick Fury -This is just Announced, but hoping the best ;)
Avengers 2 -And this has been announced recently, 2015
Now I'm just gonna leave this here and idk, maybe sleep....
♥; Cakey
ps. I need new movie for Movie Monday ;)