Again I'm procrastinating the writing. I have like tons of things I want to write, but instead I sit still and surf on other sites waiting that feeling to go away. I doesn't go away until I actually write.
One step of that is that I actually write the 'headline' (or subject, whatever) and if I'm planning to add pics, upload/take them. So I've done those already. And then comes the hardest part:
Actual writing, especially the start.
But when I do it the sneaky way like this; apologizing the fact I haven't write or telling I want to write I get the kick to start. Then comes new hard part:
Continuing to the main subject I had in my mind.
How can you jump from this to like shoes and fragrances? There's no way you can just smoothly to slide onto that subject.
But as you can see I just did it ;D
So yes! I was about to talk partly of shoes and fragrances. Kinda. I mean I'm gonna do perfectly independent own post for both of them at some point. But now I'm just slightly hoovering on top of those subjects.
Today when I was going to get mail, I was hoping there would be nice package for me, and there was.
I had ordered 4 pairs of fancy shoelaces and they arrived! But I only have one pair of shoes! XD
I mixed two of them and I'm kinda satisfied to them, but one of the laces did not satisfied my expectation!
Here are all three pics, first one from the net site where I ordered the laces. Then how they really looked like and last my shoes with new laces :)
You can maybe guess which ones are the non-look-a-like-enough??
Maybe. Well the zebra ones, I mean they look pretty neat and bright colored. I think they are too dark and Idk. There's something I can't put my finger on that annoys me little on them.
But yes, I'm not saying they are ugly and blergh. I'm just saying that they aren't so fancy that I expected.
Also you may notice that I love animal pattern! :'D
My fave pattern is leopard. And then comes tigers/zebras and then everything else. I think there ain't not a single animal pattern that I dislike.
And I have quite a lot of different kind of things with all kinds of animal patterns. I'm wearing leopard patterned socks atm! XD Oh and yeah I have turquoise colored leopard spots on my left instep! Gonna add some lime colored spots as well :)
And if I'm shopping/window shopping and there's something with animal patterns I instantly (usually) want them!
But I'm against real fur. And breeding/capturing/hunting animals for their furs (or bones, or anything!)... Well.. Now that we smoothly slid onto here I'm against all kind of animal abuse and abandoning animals. But I'm not against human abuse, I mean it's never awesome if child get beaten. But if thee's 2 articles one telling that someone threw dog from a bridge and other one that child got threw from a bridge. I get anger for the animal abuser. And in movies/series if animal gets killed it's the most horrible thing that could happen :( Now saying that someone might expect that I'm some kind of animal activist etc. But I'm not. That's just my opinion and if someone asks that's it. But I'm not like force feeding my 'believes' to anyone.
So back to the shoes! Today in the mail was also Miss Mix -magazine (It's not as sex filled like Cosmo, but it's not like teen -teen magazine either.) so as I was just going trough it and eyeing it. I bumped into these shoes.
They are just pure awesomeness, with I don't even know!
I just can't stop laughing while watching them! C'mon IT HAS A TAIL!
I kinda want these, but I don't think I would be bold enough to actually wear these in public... And well they don't fit into my style.
But these shoes are just ridiculously adorable :'D
Also when I was searching that pic from net I bumped onto same shoes, but there's not tail, instead of that a leopard head as the peak (like where's that Adidas -mark is, there's head).
And these shoes made me think of Puma, and Puma has new set of fragrances. For men and women.
Yellow (w) and Green (m). I had a chance to go and try these yesterday when I was at movies (that's located in mall). And I think both of them are actually good. Usually just either one is good. So it's kinda rare that they succeeded to make both good! I think I might get the Green. And good think about Puma's fragrances is that they are cheap! I mean they are closer to 20€ than 50€...
But it's not on my priority list of buying new fragrance! My current number one that I need to buy is Dolce Gabbana's The One (for men). But that one is too expensive, so I have to wait till I find it cheaper. I love the fact that on ships & airports items are tax free so they are so much cheaper! And of course it depends of the country and their currency. Like I would get that fragrance so much cheaper on States than in Finland!
I think that was pretty much it for this post. I also took nice photo of Einari when he was sleeping on my bed today earlier. Well he's still sleeping on my bed, but just changed his position & placement.
First I'll apologize that I haven't write... at all. About anything.
I haven't write about JIB in tumblr, yet. And my 'good' excuse is "I haven't have time to scan my photo ops'es and I haven't take photos of my moose that has 3 autographs on it" and I haven't write yet, because I don't have those pics. Good one, huh? Yeah, I've been also lazy. It's my half real reason as well.
But now I'm also having all other things that has been piling up. Like irl stuff & thoughts I wanna share here.
So now I'm at least writing something!! I will write about JIB in here as well, but it have to wait for some time for now.
I really don't know how to start this, I mean I had that, but I really can't use awkward transition for that to my 'new' subject. Well uh, some of you know that I'm really good when it comes to taking care of plants |DD ..
And uh I bought new plant yesterday. It's my third soleirolia (I hope that's its, lat; Soleirolia soleirolii). I generally dislike plants, but that's one of my favorites, and from time to time I try to keep one alive XD. I also have habit of naming my plants (and pretty much everything else as well) ans this particular one is called "Helmi" (It's finnish girls name, and means 'pearl') ...I also have always wanted to have decorative bird cage. And now I have one, and my lovely Helmi is there n_n. Here take a look!
Isn't she cute ♥! But yes, so if someone didn't really caught my sarcasm in the starts when I told that I'm real greenthumb, which I'm so not! I have killed so many plants that I can't even keep up with the count. So I'm challenging myself to keep this beauty alive for longer than week! Or for month, but I'm not trying to make high hopes. So week is good. My last soleirolia died within a month. Poor Paavo :( BUT! I'm partly blaming my evil cactus Akseli! Seriously, that cactus was mean and evil and twisted!! fyi he's dead.
But, I'm really proud of myself that I have kept two of my plants alive for pretty long time now, I think they are coming close to one year. And they are growing new parts, but my cat Einari is sabotaging it! He sometimes eat them, or just sits close enough so they bend and snap ;( ...
Here, meet Alex (on front) & Alec (behind) :
So that's about my plants. Thumbs up so Helmi will survive! I'll be updating here if she happens to die. Also it's always so sad how my friends react when I mention that I have bought new plants. "KAKE, REALLY!? Whyyyy????? Those poor plants haven't done anything so terribly wrong that they deserve to live with you! *deep sigh*"
Idk this post appears to have many things in it. Since I'm too lazy to save & publish this and starts new post. So I'll just have one long post.
Lately I've been really really depressed. I mean yeah, there's nothing really wrong. I had a blast in Rome and nothing bad has happened lately. But still I just feel so useless and sad. And I have terrible thoughts running free on my mind. I guess that's part of my 'eternal curse' I forbid myself to feel and lock all the emotions away. And once a year they roam free for no reason. And even the good things turn onto something bad. And I feel that I can't enjoy from anything. And now already writing and telling all this makes me feel bad, and I feel that I have shared too much and I feel that I'm ranting and no one really believes me, or is quietly responding in their heads 'Been there, done that' or 'She have no idea what's bad or depressed' and you know making it seem so little and yeah, we all have our personal Hell in us. and no one should compare it to theirs, it's never the same. And no you don't know when you same 'I know'... That's why I have tried to stop saying that to people and replace it with something better. But yeah my point is; I'm not in my best shape, I have depressed 'season'. And I don't want to talk about it. Because i don't want to seem ranting & desperate for attention. There.
I've been listening this song on non-stop for few days now:
Somehow in my head that makes awkward transition to much happier thoughts: People who are in some way attracted to me. &How I feel about it.
So first of all I want to state that I don't want to 'brag' or 'show of'' or anything like that. Since sometimes these sound so much like bragging and making your dick look huge (egoistic). But I'm really just telling my point of view. And for me I feel all this bit awkward. And I cannot 100% guarantee how the other part viewed this. But like I told: my view.
Occasionally I ran to these situations when I can clearly see that someone has crush on me. Or I just ran onto some nice conversation, and then they tell me that they have crush on me. (or they just compliments me.) For me this is really weird, and if I clearly see that someone has crush on me, I try not to bring it up. Even if they are hinting me and acting all 'crushy way' (u know, like how you act when you are with/talking to your crush). I just ignore it, cos I don't want our relationship go all wonky when they bring it up and I (most likely) wont respond to that. And I just can't believe someone really genuinely could like me. This is (I think) because I cannot see good things in me, and because I'm just a big jerk. (Even my friends admit that I'm asshole) And same goes with complimenting, I disagree with most of them. But I have learned just to thank politely and accept it...... on the outside, but in the inside I say 'yeah right'. And for me, when someone compliments me I think they are lying and making fun of me. And if I deny the compliment, usually you get "oh, yeah right. You just want me to compliment you more" So that's one of the reasons why I politely accept it. I really don't care if your compliment is true or not, because either way I don't buy it. Unless I agree. I have days when I look good and I'm the most selfish and egoistic person on planet that day, and if you compliment my looks that day I go "Yeah I know ;* ♥" With a selfish smirk! So yeah it depends of my mood and looks also.
I apparently got little carried away, since I was supposed to write that after this part. Well uh what ever.
As some of you might know, I'm not a girly girl. And I'm bisexual. And so far, I have turned few girls onto bi/gay. And I find if extremely funny. Or I'm 'the last drop'. And this happened last time just few nights back. I'm not really sure how I should feel, but I kinda feel proud. Is it wrong? Because in tumblr, I have my askbox open to all & anonymous option available. So this girl confessed to me that she has a 'first girl crush' on me, and I was her last drop and I... I'm not really sure how I was supposed to feel. Maybe confused and something? I wasn't.... at all! Now that I think, I feel that I took it on sort of "oh wow, again :----DDD" kinda way. And I think it's weird. But it made me smile and feel good for myself. And yes, it amused me.
And same night my independence day dance partner from middle school started to chat with me. I mean we never chat. And he tried to get me in this bar (which sucks, btw) with him. I mean he was already there and he was drunk and chatting with me in facebook. And he trier really long! And it ended in him apologizing , I'm not sure what. But he apologized and wanted to know if I forgive him. It was weird. But I was really amused, even thought I might should have been annoyed. Because he was being annoying for trying and begging. I have feeling that he _might_ have mild crush on me. Just mild one, that comes up when he's drunk.
I'm so not gonna start listing all these situations up. But yeah I'm surprised how many have had crush on me. Guys & girls.... And I'm evil and laugh at their face for being so dumb to fell for me. I should not do it. It's really mean.... But yeah, I think part of my denial for believing that is because most of my crushes have hated me or other way just rejected me. Mainly I just chicken out and shut my emotions, because you wont get hurt that way. and I feel like I've been hurt way too many times. I don't know have I been hurt more or have I left broken hearts behind me more, I would actually love to know that.
Fun fact: When I was in elementary school, like on last grades. I wanted to be 'man eater' ... =broke as many hearts as possible. And well in that point I was hetero. I have been so twisted for so long XD
But I have never really been person who can settle down. I'm uh like quicksilver, try to squeeze it and it will run away. But if you let it be free on your palm, it wont ran. I can settle down if I want, from my own free will. But if you try to lock me down, you can be sure that I'mm take off! ;)
Woah that was looooong one. But hey, till next time! -Cakey