Even thought I know few people read my blog. But how active etc. I have no idea.
But still,like I have ranted before it's really un-motivating to write for this ghost audience.
So uh yeah now to the 'real' topic... I think ranting in the start, or apologizing, is becoming a bad habit :s
I should try not to do it. And other bad habit is getting carried away from the subject. (Which I'm doing atm again!!)
This time I was thinking to open the doors to my love for movies. I have been thinking to start writing my 'movie blog' into here. Since I just can't keep two separated blogs. I mean, c'mon I'm barely keeping up ONE blog :'D ..... And I hate it when I try to keep at only one subject. Or well u know writing about only one subject,strictly.
So because of that I have thought that maybe I should add 'page' in this blog that has all my DVD's listed.
Like this one. Only that I would have to change all movie titles & text onto English (well obviously).
But yes, what do you guys think? Should I?
That's pretty much only page I keep updated on that blog :'D Along with the 'check-list'.
I've been having CSI: New York -marathon. I have all other seasons expect 4th! (Well I'm gonna get is soon.....ish) But I have been watching them in semi -random season order. And well Finnish tv is showing 7th season, so I've been watching that randomly as well. But I'm planning to write somewhat 'master post' of it when I'm done with seasons 1-6.
So yeah just week back (maybe less) I got niiiice package that contained those (pic). CSI:NY s.2 & 3, and pc game 8D couldn't resist it! It was so cheap! And [Scrubs] s.3, and House M.D. -NDS game c:
... .... ... I got distracted and now I'm feeling blank. Because I cannot remember all the things I wanted to share. awesome.
But that's it for the shoes part!
I don't know about you guys but I like when there's pics along the text. I feel that they balance the text somehow.
Agree, disagree, opinions?
Only thing is that in some of the text parts it's hard to get the pic(s) right. Like that they look good along it. Sometimes the text goes wonky because of them and then I get annoyed and even if I how much try to move them around and change size & position they are still some stupid way ://
Like those two tote bag -related pics.
I've also been customizing my blogs theme, background & font. But I can't seem to find satisfying one :(
Currently my fave pic of Jensen is the background, but I'm gonna do some other background that fits my screen perfectly. But finding the right font is hard. I don't want it to be some basic and dull, but still readable if it's like super curly. And smileys need to look okay with that font!
Now meet Kana!
Now I'm off! And PLEEEAASEEEEE leave your comment/opinion ANYTHING here c: ♥
I read ya! I just saw your blog FINALLY on my list, so here we go.
To be honest, I hate this font you have in here. Please change it, so I can read without having my eyes crossed :DD
Wellyou don't appear in my blog list at all... :// Even thought I have tried to 'follow' you multiple times :/
DeleteBut I stalk you everyday so.
And yeah to be honest, this font has started to annoy me as well. Gonna change it later to better one.