But! This will be my first movie -related post in this blog. I have so much in my mind atm and what I want to write about, but they are all disappearing in the speed of light since I'm so tired.
Fyi; I haven't slept at all and it's 4:20 pm (almost been awake for 24h now). So I apologize if my thoughts run faster than my fingers can type it.
Well before passing out onto the keyboard lets get down to the business!!

I have way too much The Avengers -feelings. And I hardly can keep them in control. I feel like exploding.
So I have been trying to satisfying my feelings by watching all movies that I own that has actors from Avengers.
And, I have quite many. And I just ordered like uh 4 more |D ...
I've fallen in love with both Chris's (I'm still not sure what's the correct from for plural for Chris. So I'll go with Chris's/Chris'es) and well I've always loved Robert Downey Jr. (=RDJ), Jeremy Renner and Scarlett Johansson. I have mixed feeling of Mark Ruffalo being Hulk.
Because there has been three different hulks by now. I hated Bana (and the whole movie). Then there was Norton, which I liked the best. But he is so skinny and idk Ruffalo's teddy bearish kinda charm fits in the Hulk role. But I'm not a fan of Ruffalo's, I just like him as Bruce/Hulk.
Also I never liked Captain America that much. That movie was pretty boring. And you can't see Evans shirtless many times. I just had to have it. But I have grown to like him more (Cap.) in Avengers and in fandom. And because I like Evans in other roles so I've grown to like Cap as well. But I still think the main movie of him is boring. Still I watch it once in a while.

I spotted also Renner in the Thor, I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw him there and I had to go back and take another look :'D!

Hmm I think Ironman is next in the row? I don't remember when the first movie came out. I didn't care, I was onto X-men and all others were just shitty and lame. BUT, then came the first Holmes -movie and I think Ironman 2 was on theaters same time. I haven't liked RDJ before I saw Holmes (I won free tickets to preview) and after that I wanted to SEE ALL RDJ MOVIES. And then I also stumbled across Ironman (obviously) and I love that movie, not just coz of RDJ, he was just super nice bonus on top of all. So he has been my fave avenger from that point. And I got interested in the whole Avengers thing and that's why I also watched all other 'Avenger' movies.
And I loved that Scarlett was in the second Ironman. Now I couldn't imagine anyone else on Black widow's role.
I think I made my opinion of Hulk already pretty clear? Yes. Well I think it's time to move to the subject I gently scratched on the beginning. How I have been consoling my Avengers longing! Well for the record I have seen it three times, all in 3D. And last time was like this week. After that I've been all "Must see Avengers all over again, AGAIN!!!" And it wont be out on DVD till September :( !

I recently discovered that The Nanny Diaries has ALSO Evans. I knew it had Scarlett, but Chris too?! I cannot unsee the movie as it should be anymore. It's about Black Widows early years as agent and she needed to study Captain :)
But really I love those movies! And I have just ordered both Fantastic Four's and The Losers, more Chris! ♥ Those are all my Evans movies. And I don't think I have Scarlett in anything else... yet.

Hmmm I think I have lots of RDJ movies, but truth is. I only have Both Sherlock's and Due Date. +Coming from post Zodiac. In there is also Ruffalo. Oh and uummmhh I have The kids are all right and he's there as well. So not so many, unfortunately. And even more sadder is that I have zero movies with Hemsworth in them (I'm not counting the obvious marvel -movies).... But I'll get Cabin in the woods & Snow White when they pop out on DVD!
Then what it comes to Jeremy, I have been fangirling him for 5 years now. I fell in love with him in S.W.A.T. (I originally bought it coz of Colin Farrell). Then I bought The Town because of him.
Oh well I don't even know how many movies I have from Samuel L. Jackson... Well he's in S.W.A.T. and many more.

Also those who like pairings and you know ships things. Be sure to go my tumblr ASAP! And follow me and we can have happily ever after!
I've been spamming SO much all the avengers and pairs.
Especially Tony x Steve = Superhusbands aaannnddd extra to that of course Peter (new spidey) their son :))
I ship almost all pairs, so consider this as a warning.
I post A LOT of half naked guys and hot pics of my flawless cast. (But I'm not _only_ Avengers blog. So everything is possible!) Here have some yummy!
Till next time, with 'all these feelings' -Cakey
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