
Wake me up when September ends

Fun fact: My original title idea was "The Productive Disaster in Kitchen" .... But then I realized that September had just started and that maybe I should make title out of it. And that my topic might not fit under my original idea.

I'd like to remind everyone that tomorrow is Monday (although in my head I'm feeling like Saturday today). So it's time for another Movie Monday! I still don't have any recommendations, so throw one for me?
I just today updated my Last Seen -list & Rent a Movie -page! After I have managed to write this entry I'll be watching two movies, The Soloist and Eden Lake :)
Again I'm gonna say that it would be preferable to pick one (or several) movie(s) out from either of those lists!

Oh god my attention span id like rodent's, it's not fun when you need to do something that needs your full attention. Like writing a blog. I just do shitloads of things at the same time, and aimlessly surf around my tabs and see if anything has happened. And then I come back and stare this. I know what I want to write, but I have no idea in what order and like .... ... what am I really gonna say. And I'm also looking the clock like "ooommggg I need to write fast so I can go to see the movie before it's like 4 am!" (It's 8:35pm atm)

Ehh, well I got into baking again. I love baking so much. But the problem is that I have no one who eats all of the things I make! Because I have these phases that I just bake and bake and bake. Also one thing that makes it semi hard is that me and mom can't have any lactose in our foods, well I try to avoid it, but I really don't care. But mom can't stand it at all, sometimes she does eat a little food with it and then her she's having hard time :s ....

But yeah, My GF had asked if I could bake Mocha cakes/pastries. Well of course I agreed, since she didn't allow me to make cake. So I told her that I'll do one sheet of normal ones and one sheet of my own adapted recipe.
Here's the result;

Hmm the pics are acting weird again. They should both be horizontal. Well, I'm not on a mood to fight with them!   

So the left one is my own variation. And the frosting didn't go the way I planned it to... I had never ever melted marshmallows so much and like made a frosting out of them, also there's white chocolate and strawberry flavored powdered sugar. I was aiming it to become bright pink, but it ended up being brown and hard... I think I accidentally caramel.. ...lisided (???) the sugar. I dun know the real verb and neither does the dictionary. But you know when you heat up sugar and it melts and becomes caramel, yes? Well yeah I think I did that, So it became super hard. I still need to clean the pot where I made this. Here have some visual. Srsl that brown stuff is stone hard! XD
And you can't even see the bottom, I poured some hot water and soap there so it'll soak. The bottom ot that is like pitch black and stuck in there! XD Well not the first time I've managed to make something sticky.
In the end it wasn't so bad tasting! It was like Slightly strawberry flavored Daim.
Next time I'll manage to make it better! XD

And uh in the right pic is the normal mocha cakes :3 I think I should make new sheet of them for us :) I enjoy doing them... And then I'm covered with icing sugar! Well I don't mind, I find if hilarious.

I also made some American pancakes, I just LOVE them! They are worth the work. I mean we have so much different version of 'normal' pancakes. I think they came out ugly looking, my previous ones (in my memory) seemed much prettier. But when I found the pic, they are quite a like. They're just piled up! And pf course they're served with maple syrup!

One day I'm gonna make pretty ones! One day....
I made these right after I woke up.
And I managed to fill the house with thick smoke. Srsl if you went to room that was closed and then came out, you could see that everything was grey XD!
I happens when you're using real butter to cook something and it takes longer than few minutes. Like if you're doing omelette it usually covers the whole pan, then there's no time to make smoke. But when doing these, there's space to form the "extra" smoke. I like doing these c: I just wish there would be ppl who eat these :<

I was supposed to make these on Friday, but I it was so late, and we watched The Last Song with mom. And I only managed to make Ham-Minced meat  -quiche. Idk I just feel weird to say 'pie'. Because you know it's full sheet of pie, so quiche sounds better. Well what ever, here:
This is one of those pies that when you eat one of those huge pieces you're instant bloated!
And I like how it's not so basic.
It also has one of the best crusts that I know. Since there's instant-mashed potatoes -mixing added to there. It gives a smooth flavor to it. And it's not so pizza alike that it may seem.
I was tempted to put the vegetable - mashed potatoes version in there, since I like it. But I ended up putting normal one.
Also I like how the topping is not just cheese. There's the mixing of eggs, creme cheese, milk and grated cheese.
I have done this exact same quiche once before, as in meat flavored.
Maybe next time I'll do 'sea' -version :) with tuna and shrimps!

I think the last one was that I made also a card for my GF. She always demands hand made card. So here's mine.

I hope that collage of photos makes sense.
First of course there's the front view, with Charlie the unicorn and Thor, he has pint in his hand!
And that number 20 is made out of tiny pieces of paper that I have cut myself.
Then the cat that says "BLÖ" It's just like "Blergh" kind of utterance.
Ummh the pic below the cat just shows the 'card' that was inside the pocket. It says (in Finnish):
"With this ticket you're privileged to: Movie night at the day* you wish in good company" (the asterisk has marked in the back and says "If it fits both parties")
And the lowest pic is obviously the inner look.
If you can't read the speech bubbles:
"This drink, I like it. ANOTHER!!" "I took the alcohol out if it" "WHAT?" "Brother, you've just been LOKIIII'D!" (ehehe -written with lighter green in the bubble like x100 XD) "LOKI!" 
And as you can see the bar's name is Laufey's, and there's Tony and The Huntsman in the bar ...

Okay now I can FINALLY go to see those two movies :)
Oh and My GF hadn't got a spider, I was like "NO FUCKING WAY!" when she told me that she had gotten "alive birthday present" for herself, I guessed it was the spider. But thank god no, it was the snake. AND MY GOD IT WAS SO SOFT AND CUTE AND ;;---;;  I WAN'T ONE! It was quite like this;
Ghost colored Corn Snake.

1 comment:

  1. one day I'll come to eat alllll the food you make ::D arrrhhh nononono you made mocha pastries!♡ I love them, it's not fair. I love food too much that your post made me hungry. I want to taste that quiche *_*
    Seriously, come and make me food!♡

    That snakey is so cute. I once did hold one big snake on my shoulders, it was pretty, warm and yellow. I don't know it's name is it that - oh wait I just found out it's name; burmese python. that yellow. oooh it was so prettyh :D I even have picture of it and me but I rather not show it because I look terrible in the pic -___-
