
To do or... What to do actually?

Yeah I have quite a long time before my flight leaves back to Finland.
So I was thinking to write my Jib Con experience in this break.
BUT the question is, since I'm gonna write it in tumblr, but should I just copy paste everything in here with pics of should I just add the link to my post in there?

PLEASE PLEASE comment on which I should do? :) Thanks!




This is a update of my time in Rome for now. And I really need to give a rant warning. Since that's pretty much all I have. Well maybe not a rant rant, but somewhat angsty one.

As some of you may know, I flew to Rome (Fiumicino, to be precise.) on Wednesday already. I arrived at evening. And It's one hour difference to Finland (So in here it's 9:30 pm, in Finland 10:30pm). And I didn't have hotel booked yet, but I knew that the Hilton Airport Hotel is neat and there's free shuttle bus to there. All I had to do is find that shuttle bus, and problem is Italians (well major part of them) don't speak English that well, and they have the very very rich accent on it, so I have to pay serious attention when they are speaking. After wondering and walking shitload of places trying to find first find my way out of the airport maze and then the shuttle. Well there were these shuttle bus signs, but I see no shuttle. At least one with Hilton written onto it's side! So after some time (Really no kidding I was there like 30-45 mins, doing all this) I'm all tired and frustrated, a group of tourists follow this man saying 'Yes, yes, the Shuttle bus, here come :) Hiltons, yes" So I was sneaky and followed them. When the man is coming back, I stop him 'Excuse me, um, Could you tell me where the shuttle bus to Hilton's leave?" And he guided me to the car. And then the driver who's kind and takes my bag, and he says "It will be sixty euros" And I'm really freaked slash surprised "SIXTY euros?" I had to ask for clarification "yes, sixty" "...but, I thought there were free shuttle to Hilton's" Then he looks me for a while, "Free? Which Hilton you are going?" "Well either one of them.." (Because for me it was like weather I say in Airport or Garden Inn one) Then he goes "Well there's one in the city and--" I stopped him there and go "Oh! No, not the city one" And then it pretty much cleared to me why it was so expensive. So then he tells me how I can get to the airport hotel, he gave me instructions. And I followed them. Still I was lost.. I thought I was on right track, but since I was so sick of running around airport (inside and outside of it) I went to the info that was on second floor (or, so I though). Then it came clear to me how to get there. Problem was I didn't see where the escalators were so I could get (Finally!) to the second floor, and I asked this one lady (part if airport staff) how I get there, and she showed me right direction, I didn't notice the elevator almost next to me.
So Then I got to the second floor and there starts 'The Tubes' And luckily there were these signs clearly guiding to wherever you needed to get. So I just followed the Hilton signs and finally after many tubes later (or so it felt at that point) I go to the end of them and there was elevators and took it to the ground, And there was Hilton! Finally after a long hour of feeling lost I found a place where I'll stay. Then of course I started to think next possible problem.
How about the room? Can I still get the discount? What if I have to pay the full price, how do get to Garden Inn (it's lot cheaper)??
Well in the front desk I asked about all these of course, and the lady had to ask from her college about the discount and she asked me why I didn't have reservation ready. Well I told her I didn't have time to reserve it before that. But in the end I got the discounted room *phew* AND it included breakfast ;D Great!
But downer, no internet. Well if you pay, then there's internet. So now (as you may notice) I have internet, but only for today. Well I took the 24h one (22€!! D8< ) and I still can use tomorrow some of my time that I have, it's good that the first panels starts pretty late so I have time to use what I have left *le drama*
But I'm gonna buy another one on Sunday perhaps, but just for an hour (12€, that I call a robbery!) maybe. idk 24h is better. Since my flight back to Finland leaves 7pm so I have plenty of time before that.
So that was the first evening.
In general, everything in TV is either dubbed to Italy or it's some other foreign language news. The food in here (in hotel) is really fucking expensive. And that's why I walk to airport (now the walk doesn't seem that long) to get much cheaper food! I don't know if it's better, but it's good! I still kind of think that I'm on a "shoe lace" -budget, I'm really not since I got the discount. But I rather save my money than spend it on expensive food & stuff.
So today was really my first full day in here. And I went early on bed, but the sleep didn't come. I might have finally fell asleep between 1:30-3 am And I had alarm set at 8:30 am so I would wake up for breakfast. Well what I did was, I killer the alarm (and my phone's alarm as well) and slept, poorly. like the whole night. And finally woke like 12:30... I really didn't feel like waking up. At all... I just didn't want to get up.
I feel so lonely, so out of place (like a freak) and not fitting. I don't understand people and Idk I just want to go home. I feel sad and awkward. And some reason I feel like I just wanna cry. If I could be anywhere now, I would be home. I don't feel like fitting in Italy, I felt more comfortable in States!
I'm really hungry, but I don't feel like going out and get food. I feel really socially awkward in here, since the explaining things part is really hard for both of us (me vs. Italians) and the understanding. Oh well...
I was supposed to go in Rome or Fiumicino city today, but since I feel so uncomfortable and really out of place I didn't go. So today I bought 24h internet and got some food from airports McDonald's .
At least that's 100% cheap food, I took this amazingly delicious Mozzarella burger, and chicken nuggets. I rarely eat burgers, but I've had a craving for one quite a long time. And it was really really good! Tomorrow I might buy another one. I also took a cafe latte from the cafe next to it. It was okay, I mean I see no difference to that and Finnish latte. I still have to try ice cream in here.
Oh and today was also the registration for the con. And while I was reading the rules I felt more anxious. I mean really?! Those we're ridiculously strict! Especially the photo op ones, I mean yeah I get the rules and stuff, but those were really just way too strict. I feel like the cons in States are less strict (or then I just haven't read them so carefully). Well I'm still gonna go with my normal feeling.
I think I'm bouncing on topic to topic. But what ever.
I've been really hungry this evening and I'm too lazy to go in airport to get food. And I feel desperate to order room service! Or drink the mini bar! (which is also a robbery) I really should have bought snacks today while I was at airport. Well tomorrow then.
I've been really lonely and sad today and just really want to leave home asap. But I think it's partly because I have too much free time and I have nobody to talk to (thank god I'm texting with my mom everyday). And I know there are few people that I know coming here. But I can't get in touch with them :(
But tomorrow the con starts so I don't have that much free time (which is good!!)  so I really hope that I can shake off these angsty and depressing feelings!
As always you realize you forgot something. I did too! Two things that I would have really needed! Hair brush D: And long sleeved hoodie. I have short sleeved (t-shirt) hoodie. But not long one. And I only have like top coat and blouse, and when I wear blouse, I have to roll the sleeves up above my elbow |D ... So yeah. Since outside it's pretty warm in the sun. But I'm not there. And in my hotel room it's freaking cold D: Even though I have put it on like warm! It still keeps blowing too cold :( And Sun doesn't directly shine to my room (since there one huge pillar in front of my window T___T) ...
I think that's for now about my trip.

On the other news,
I didn't get the job in pet store. FML. I became second. Or so I was told. So when I'm back to Finland it's again for job searching.

I think I had some other thing I wanted to share, not a--- !!!

My left side ribs are really fucking hurting. I have no idea why. But I'm just waiting that when will the giant bruise appear there. And my left leg is covered with bruises as well! Seriously I have NO idea why I have them and everytime one starts fading another one appears! D: And they hurt as well!
It's like some invisible ghost is beating me up every night! :(

But for now Ciao~ Cakey

ps.Next update on Sunday or Monday :) !

pss. I feel bad for ranting. I mean C'mon I'm in Rome in wonderful convention! But still I'm complaining :( Oh and I forgot to write about few things so. I'll add them in now (40 mins later)


Life uses Panic, it's very effective!

Like I've told you guys I've been pretty stressed because of the shit that has happened before this trip.
Well now good news are that I have flight tickets back & forth. But I still don't have Hotel... unfortunately. I do have the money for it (well kinda, they should be usable on my account soon), but the main problem is that I cannot reserve the discounted price hotel room for internet anymore.
And I would save quite amount of money if I could get my room with that discount :s So I'm gonna take my room when I arrive in Rome. So thumbs up that I can get the discount!!
I _can_ pay for normal room ,but the I have much less 'living money' and I have a bad hunch that Rome is expensive country.
Okay so now that that's off from my stress -list. I move to another stressing subject that I got today.
"What I'm gonna take with me!?" "What back I'm gonna take!?" "What clothes I wanna wear? Are they clean!?"
I've only been stressing for major things and now that there's only few days till I actually leave I started to think all the tiny things.
So yeah, I'm gonna tomorrow choose all clothes etc. that I'm gonna wear. And Rome is pretty 'hot' city, compared to Finland at this time of year :'D
And  I do NOT want to wear same clothes on my photo ops'es that I have worn before! I think I know what I could wear. Because then I don't want to be like 'over dressed' too fancy, but I'm not gonna look like shit either!
Also I have huge problem with my idiotic hair! Since I couldn't afford to go in hairdresser before my trip (I had appointment, but had to cancel), my hair is over grown! I really need to add some yellow to my mohawk! And I thought that I could cut little bit from the tips, since it's hard to get up because my hair is so long :(
I was also thinking to ass (again) some green (and/or blue) to the tips. It looks pretty neat, but since it's added by chalking it wont stay that well :s So I would most likely had to add it in Rome.. idk.
I have way too much to things to think, from the big major things to the tiny details.
Like what kind of pose i want to have?! I don't want same poses, not the basic hug or hand on shoulder w/ polite smile.
*Phew* That was long, was it? It felt like it! I'm sorry I didn't write yesterday nor day before that like I was supposed to. (I was supposed to write Titanic, Real Steel, Crying and stuff kinda post since I watched both movie in same day! And I was full of all emotions! But was so tired so I didn't write after all :c)

I still haven't heard of the pet store D: But tomorrow I'm going there, so I can ask from her that what is the thing with it. *yikes*! Well if it wont catch I'm gonna try to get in somewhere else.

I think that's all from tonight, and I hope that this post will magically remove these thoughts from my brain so I can get good sleep! I have early wake up tomorrow!


Ps: Please guys all who reads this, couldn't you spare minute to write anykind of feedback. Srsl this is pretty discouraging to write for 'ghost audience' :(


♫ I don't feel like writing ♪♫

Yeah I don't feel like writing, but then in the other hand I DO feel like writing, well.
Uh I feel like I should write and I have like waaaayyy too many things  I want to write, but I don't want to write. Like physically XD Get it :'D ?

(ps. Now I got that annoying song stuck in my head by Scissor sisters T___T That song is like one of those songs that annoy your brains out and is 100% guaranteed to stuck in your head if you accidentally mention/hum/hear it on anywhere!)

I'm gonna list all these things that I have been about to write recently :| So you guys can give your opinion of what you wanna hear or give more suggestions! And I should probably bond some of them together! But they are quite 'huge' topics (or then it's just me who starts to blabber |DD)
One of the reasons of why I haven't write is because last time I posted about the job interview and promised to let you peeps know what happens etc. Well I haven't heard of it yet. Well I head of it like last Saturday and she told me that there's one interview left and she'll let me know in this week. So I'm still waiting :c

I had something I was supposed to talk in this topic. I forgot it. Lemme check my list~
Hmm I think my original thought was to talk about the list I've made & beg for opinions, and Titanic & Crying and Real Steel & Some actor stuff and daddy issues etc. kinda things. BUT I'm so not conjoining ALL of those! And I'm gonna write about the actual movie reviews in my movie blog! But the bigger & deeper thought that I want to conjoin to those movies are indeed more to this blog. I should write about those two movies asap! And fyi/btw I'm going to see Titanic 3D tomorrow *w* ~♥

Okay I'll list my topic ideas now, so feel free to let me know (pleeeaasee I beg u guise to comment ;--;;) what you wanna hear etc. c: 'kay? Note that these are just like some point in general in those topics |D

  • Just my luck - Me and my luck (in good and bad)
  • Depression & Closer look onto me & myself
  • Crying & Titanic
  • Before I die - list of things I want to do & why. +Silence of lambs (book & movie, Hannibal trilogy)
  • Materialism - Big love for stuff! +Jealousy
  • Pets - Animals that I want to own & have owned/are owning 
  • Real Steel & Hugh Jackman, Actors etc. Daddy character
  • Bad Habits - 7 sins. & Bad habits in general.
  • Whining about everything - FML, 1st world problems
  • English vs. Finnish -Difficulty of writing & explaining 
  • The good deed of the day - I've been good! +My size and funny things along the way
  • Inspiration sources - The world around me
  • Novels - Thinking as a lazy writer & artist

Okay there was the most things on my list. So please please leave your opinion of what you'd like to read about c:

♥; Cakey


I shall put curse upon every flight company!

Yes. I'm so fucking tired of all this shit I put up with flight companies!

So rant warning! Rant ahead! 

I've had 2 really bad memories of flight companies. Partly coz of my fault, but still they are so dicks!
And latest one was today. And for the record, I've traveled 4 times lately. So 50% has had bumps in the way. Well 3rd one as well, but I'm not sure if it counts. Anyways, I enjoy flying (if it's short flight, not one of those +8h flight) and usually things go smoothly.
Mainly there hasn't been big problems, they just suck all the money out of me.  First time I reserved 2 tickets to Chicago & back for me and Nelly. But she didn't come after all so I had to cancel the ticked and change it to for my mom. And I had 'cancel insurance'. One ticket cost +1000€ (~+1300$) and I paid Nelly's tic. too and when she bailed out and mailed to the travel agency I didn't get any money back. AND I needed to buy another ticked for mom. So yeah, the excuse was "Flying company don't return money, so it's not up to travel agency."  And I also lost 400$ because I had Silver ticket for her to the convention, and I couldn't sell it so I gave it away to Heather. Well I have to say I had a blast in Chicago! So I didn't mourn my money loss, but I was fucking annoyed coz of that.

After I came Finland from Chicago, I left to Birmingham in 2 days. Everything went smoothly. No complaining! But UK is really expensive country :s !

All that happened last autumn. Then I had pause from travelling. And I was aiming to go in LA's convention at spring (march)... And I semi-forgot that. But realized it on Monday (and con was on fri-sun) and then I after all was able to go there. And took Nelly with me. So I reserved all plain ticks. etc just night before leaving, well I reserved ticks. like midnight and flight left 6am on morning. Well all went almost smoothly, in Amsterdam (we had to change plain there and Seattle) the security dudes started to ask us some totally stupid questions of why we're going to States and all that. It was really annoying and they checked our ticks like bazillion times before they we're sure were not terrorists ors. Apart from that coincidence trip went really smooth and we had fun!

And now to this trip I've been stressing about and I'm loosing the rest of my sanity (and money!). Just in Bello 3 (=JIB3) is convention in Rome, I'm going alone. And first it was supposed to be this week-end, but they had to change it to 27th-29th April. So I still had plain tickets to the old date, and they cost less than 200€ (~260$). And because I'm so lazy and socially awkward and have anxiety problems I just pushed it to later and later. Again I had 'cancelling insurance' and now they are making me pay almost 500€ just so they change my ticks for right date! And I can get new tickets from online for less than 400€!! So just supah! I'm gonna call them tomorrow after my job interview! Because there's no way I'm gonna pay that! I'm not gonna pay them more! It's insane! I still need money for hotel D:< ...

So there's my rant. And now for the happier news-
I have m first job interview tomorrow, and I need to do my CV now. I never had job interview before so I'm really nervous :s ...It's pet store where I'm applying.
I'll let you guys know if I get it or not! :3



I'll do it tomorrow

Yeah. Heard you say that way too often? I do.
Like this post, I really wanted to write it yesterday, but pushed it to today. And now I wanna push it to tomorrow. This is exactly how my blogs always die
"I'll write it tomorrow." And my excuse for it either 'I'm too tired' or 'I didn't have subject' etc. But I have to say that I WAS really tired yesterday (and now also) and I've been sick for few days already. Yesterday also there was this movie coming from tv that I didn't want to miss, since I hadn't seen it in ages!
Also one thing I've been pushing on 'tomorrow' is editing my videos, and sending/calling to this travelling agency so I can change my flight tickets. But I really really have to do that, because if I don't I'm fucking screwed soon! D:
I have to admit, that when I do these things that I want to push on to later I feel good for my self, for doing them. And then I don't have to stress about it anymore after that. I'm getting a little satisfaction from this already. And I haven't wrote that much yet! I really enjoy writing long posts, since I'm easily starting to blabber about everything unrelated to the real thing! Well my blog!

I have way too much to say and way too messy thoughts. I think many things on same time and usually when I'm doing something or get a thought that I could write up I end up talking to my self in 'writing form' as in my thoughts would automatically transfer onto computer and into my blog in that form. It's kinda funny, but frustrating! Since I cannot write it up here at that very moment, and when I'm here writing all those thoughts just ran away! So so frustrating and annoying. So yeah I have many subjects but way too less computers and hands in use :(  I really need to write my subjects up on somewhere, so I can remember them and write about them later. Because I'm so not gonna make one so long post that you need to scroll until you hit China!
Do you guys also know what's annoying as fuck!? When you try to write your subjects up, they disappear from your brain at that very moment and laugh on top of that! I just tried to write them up, and only got three! I had like at least 6 D:<

Well now I'm going to watch a movie, and maybe read more of Silence of the lambs. G'nite my lovely readers ♥


ps. I need to change this font, it's annoying!


Easter fools! Wait... What?

So yeah, this year April's 1st (=April fools) and Palm Sunday was/is the same day. And I'm not sure about other countries, but in Finland in Palm Sunday we do the same thing what people do in America on Halloween. We dress up (just Easter themed, most common is witch who conducts mischief.) and go from door to door and ask for candy. Well of course we have made pretty willow branches, decorated with colorful feathers and paper. And on the door we enunciate a poem and then we receive earnings from that (Also Easter themed, most common is chocolate  eggs. And other chocolate candies.) So Easter is basically our Halloween, we don't do trick or treats. So uh, why did I explain traditional Finnish Easter? Any ways, I think it was for those who didn't know about it. Because I tried to look up for this verb for that act, and I was expecting like a simple word for it but instead it was "conduct a Finnish Easter" so then I started to think are Finns only ones doing this? Of course when I was younger I did this too, every year. Waited for it! And I loved to decorate birches. But I haven't do any of this in ages! I've helped my little sister to do birches, but haven't go on the round. I have funny memory related to this holiday. My little sister was well little I think she was about 5 or 6. And me and my friend decided to go help her on the round. We didn't go on the door, we stayed little farther when she went to knock. And then there was this house and we knocked, few times and waited. And when we were about to turn away. Door opens, there is this ridiculously handsome man.... only wearing towel on his hips. Well of course my little sister ask's if she can conduct etc. And me and my friend were just staring him. I think he gave some money, and tiny chocolate eggs. I think that is my most happiest Easter memory to me :'D

I personally hate April fools day, I always forget that it is. And then I get fooled, because I totally buy the joke that's played on me :/ And I always forget to fool someone, I dunno I play little pranks like all over the year so I don't feel like joking on one day. This year I got actually fooled, but I knew it was April fools so I didn't buy it. Like fully, at least. I think the worst (or best, depends of the view)  fool that's been played on me so I bought it was on school like age of 10 (about) I came to school and my friend made me believe that there was an exam. Because I usually forgot that we have exams and so it wouldn't have been a surprise. But yeah they fooled me good! :'D

I uh... Forgot that what were the other themes I wanted to include into this post, cuz in the middle (part where April started) I kept a long writing pause. Since there were guests and I had to be with them and my girlfriend came over so (Witch I'll be calling her from now on 'Nelly'. She is my Girlfriend and my oldest best friend.).

Quick note about this blog in general, I don't promise to write actively. Coz I might like post many writings a day or just few in whole week. Depends how much I have to tell. My vlogging goal is to have 1 vid/week. I just need to do shit loads of editing to my vids atm. I have like 5-6 vids that I reeeeally need to publish, but edit first. I feel bad....

Till next time; Cakey