
The Horror of the movies

Idk, am I the only one who thinks that could be a movie title, no? Okay.

Horror movies. 
They are shitty. Seriously I could count probably with my one hands fingers the good ones that I've seen. And I've seen plenty. In this I'm not counting thrillers, just horror ones.
I think there should be labels for different kind of horror movies, because it's quite wide genre. I, myself label movies (in general) in 3 different kind categories:

  • Good ones (i.e. "AWESOME" "It's was good")
  • Shitty ones (My "It was ok" is considered here also)
  • And lastly "There was good looking actor(s) :)"  My most common one, it also get's extra label above.
But yes! Indeed horror movies, they need to be labeled onto different 'under categories'. Usually I end up laughing and mocking the movie during it, and 4 times from 5 the movie is SO predictable. And how many times it's the same pattern? Seriously. Even in the most cliché cases of Action movies they might surprise, but how many of Horror movies have done that?

Okay there is one good under-genre of Horror, and it's psychological. BUT usually it's then labelled as Thriller. Like let's say Silence of the lambs (and it's 2 sequels, Hannibal & The Red Dragon), they have good idea and well uh Hannibal was boring and not so interesting, but The Red Dragon is just pure awe!
Usually this genre is kind of confusing as well, or so many ppl claim. I rarely find confusing movies confusing. Because in my brain it's totally normal, maybe it's just my odd way of thinking. Or I mean like I find maybe movie just plain weird, not confusing.
What the hell I'm doing, rambling about non-related stuff AGAIN. I should not have blog because of this.

I usually buy some random horror movies in when they are sale, and that way I have got most of them. And my GF likes horror movies, so she has a bunch of them as well and then we lend them to each other.
And we watch them together and I'm like making fun of it and dubbing my own dialogue to it and scoffing because my predictions are so accurate and my GF is like "SHUT UPPP!!! It's creepy, okay!". We have very different kind of thinking of 'creepy' or 'scary'.
Usually when we're lending a movie it's like "Oh this was so shitty" or "This is probably the worst and shitties horror movie I've seen". Idk if we have like so sort of unsaid task to find the worst horror movie, or is it just a coincidence that most of them have been just crap.

I have fallen as sleep (because of boredom, not because of I was tired) during a movie two times. And they both were during a horror flick. 

And I avoid this certain kind of horror genre, because I know that I'll be crept out for months. It has quite strong connection to my err... .. let's say 'psychic' -side. Those movies don't need to be like scary, just creepy and realistic, or at least the idea needs to be realistic.
For me, The Ring (USA versio) and The Grudge (Also v.USA) are one of those that have made me very very paranoid and unstable for months. Once in a while they still return to my mind and haunt me.
I mean those movies are shitty, and not so ... well done. I mean Kayako's face is SO SO rubber mask than it can be. And even if I mock the movie it still can haunt me. I think I saw them in too young age. I think there haven't been at least so many other movies (that I can remember by name) that I can recall for making me feel so unstable than those two.

What horror movie needs to please me:

  • A good plot and believable characters
  • Unique non-mass something 
  • Good tech in general (I hate and die inside when special effects are crappy)
  • Not kill my fave character off first. 
The movie it self can be weird, but if there is at least two above of those it might have a chance that it survives my crushing opinion. 

I think this is pretty much it, or I cannot atm think anything special to add in here. And it took me forever to write this to the very end! Because I was doing shitloads of things at the same time and my thoughts ran wildly to other subjects during this. So, I'm happy that I was even available to keep it in it's subject XD!

~Cakey ♥

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