
Easter fools! Wait... What?

So yeah, this year April's 1st (=April fools) and Palm Sunday was/is the same day. And I'm not sure about other countries, but in Finland in Palm Sunday we do the same thing what people do in America on Halloween. We dress up (just Easter themed, most common is witch who conducts mischief.) and go from door to door and ask for candy. Well of course we have made pretty willow branches, decorated with colorful feathers and paper. And on the door we enunciate a poem and then we receive earnings from that (Also Easter themed, most common is chocolate  eggs. And other chocolate candies.) So Easter is basically our Halloween, we don't do trick or treats. So uh, why did I explain traditional Finnish Easter? Any ways, I think it was for those who didn't know about it. Because I tried to look up for this verb for that act, and I was expecting like a simple word for it but instead it was "conduct a Finnish Easter" so then I started to think are Finns only ones doing this? Of course when I was younger I did this too, every year. Waited for it! And I loved to decorate birches. But I haven't do any of this in ages! I've helped my little sister to do birches, but haven't go on the round. I have funny memory related to this holiday. My little sister was well little I think she was about 5 or 6. And me and my friend decided to go help her on the round. We didn't go on the door, we stayed little farther when she went to knock. And then there was this house and we knocked, few times and waited. And when we were about to turn away. Door opens, there is this ridiculously handsome man.... only wearing towel on his hips. Well of course my little sister ask's if she can conduct etc. And me and my friend were just staring him. I think he gave some money, and tiny chocolate eggs. I think that is my most happiest Easter memory to me :'D

I personally hate April fools day, I always forget that it is. And then I get fooled, because I totally buy the joke that's played on me :/ And I always forget to fool someone, I dunno I play little pranks like all over the year so I don't feel like joking on one day. This year I got actually fooled, but I knew it was April fools so I didn't buy it. Like fully, at least. I think the worst (or best, depends of the view)  fool that's been played on me so I bought it was on school like age of 10 (about) I came to school and my friend made me believe that there was an exam. Because I usually forgot that we have exams and so it wouldn't have been a surprise. But yeah they fooled me good! :'D

I uh... Forgot that what were the other themes I wanted to include into this post, cuz in the middle (part where April started) I kept a long writing pause. Since there were guests and I had to be with them and my girlfriend came over so (Witch I'll be calling her from now on 'Nelly'. She is my Girlfriend and my oldest best friend.).

Quick note about this blog in general, I don't promise to write actively. Coz I might like post many writings a day or just few in whole week. Depends how much I have to tell. My vlogging goal is to have 1 vid/week. I just need to do shit loads of editing to my vids atm. I have like 5-6 vids that I reeeeally need to publish, but edit first. I feel bad....

Till next time; Cakey

1 comment:

  1. this April's Fool Day is annoying for me too. I get always (since I was 18 or like that) fooled and today was near to get best points of fooling me. :( I'd like to read moooore of your blog ;D

